Back and forth

Geoffrey Russo
1 min readMar 2, 2021

I’m ‘back’.

Back home, back to writing, back back back.

I don’t like that word. It tricks your brain. It brings something from the past. But there’s no such thing as past if we live in the now. So?

I’m back home after four years in Australia? Wrong. I’ve left Australia and moved to France.

I’m back to writing? Wrong. I’m writing again with a different purpose.

Slight difference in interpretation. Big difference in mindset.

There is that feeling of safety in going ‘back’ somewhere. You know it, it’s the comfort zone. Your parents, your old friends, your old habits.

But what if I tell you that you never know for sure if your parents, old friends or habits are still the comfort zone you think you are going to have. It’s not a depressing view. It’s a reality worth accepting to avoid expectations and to focus on what is to come.

I moved to France to be closer to my family and I’m so happy so far but I still want to explore.

I’m writing again but I don’t know if I’m going to feel like writing every day here or write something different.

Slight difference in interpretation. Big difference in mindset.

